The goodwill horse


As I walked into the local Good Will I was on a mission to find frames for our upcoming  BE CRAFTY workshop in Tulsa (still a few spots left).  As I was digging and rummaging through the frames all I could focus on was a sweet little girls laughter in the background.  As I turned around smiles filled her face.  Her mom was looking at the children’s books and she was happily entertaining herself with a vintage rocking horse.  First off, I could not believe my eyes when I was that horse. I of course kept pretending to look at frames and dug through the sheets and bedding.
“Lets go” called her mom. I quickly turned the corner and the horse was left behind. It didn’t take more then 3 seconds to place that horse in my cart.  I eventually looked at the price tag, and as I got up to the checkout the price was marked down 50% as it was toddler Thursday. Can’t beat $2.
Earlier that same day I took a trip to Home Depot to pick out some new paint colors to bring along to the upcoming workshop. I have been wanting to add a few bold colors as my collection of paint seems to be full of pastels. I have fallen in love with these colors. I usually don’t like to use red but this Chili Pepper is a perfect mixture of red and orange. I also used Mermaid Song and Jovial all Behr paint.
                                        With a horse and paint in my car it didn’t take me long get home and start another project.

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